India sets the world record of cases for the eighth time in 9 days Scientist

India sets the world record of cases for the eighth time in 9 days  Scientist

a India Recorded this Friday (30) The eighth world record for confirmed cases of Covid-19 in the past nine daysAccording to government data and “Our World in Data”. There were 386,452 injured and 3,498 deaths within 24 hours.

With more than 2.5 million cases and 21,000 deaths in the past seven days, the country was responsible for 43% of all new infections and 23% of all deaths on the planet in this period.

The middle of the second wave in India, The world has surpassed 150 million confirmed cases, Refers to data from Johns Hopkins University and Our World in Data, a project associated with the University of Oxford.

The second largest country in the world by population, with a population of more than 1.3 billion people, He suffers a breakdown in his health and funeral system, Suffering from vaccination is still slow and the government has been criticized for fighting the epidemic (see below).

Explosion of Covid-19 Cases and Deaths in India: Understanding 5 Points

Hospitals are free of drugs and oxygen, and Relatives are obligated to purchase CDs for the guests. Without beds, patients wait in ambulances, in private cars, and even on the street, looking for a place.

Input prices have skyrocketed on the black market, and middlemen are selling oxygen even at hospital doors. In despair, many are buying medicines of doubtful origin and supplies at exorbitant prices. There are also many reports of scams.

Striken, Kashyap claimed that it was improved with oxygen. “But then the symptoms came back. We tried to find a bed, but she couldn’t resist. The doctors couldn’t save her.”

A patient suffering from respiratory problems waits in a bedside car at a hospital for Covid-19 in Ahmedabad, India, on April 22 – Photo: Amit Dev / Reuters

Crematoriums and cemeteries are unable to accommodate the number of corpses, and Mass funerals were held in several cities. Celebrations being conducted under the Covid-19 protocol far outweigh government data.

In New Delhi, the number of cremations has increased fivefold. The Capital City Hall is trying to increase the space capacity by building incinerators even on the grass outside the facilities.

With the collapse of the health system, many infected people die at home and do not enter official statistics.

A Covid-19 victim relative at a crematorium in Jammu, India, on April 30, 2021 – Photo: Channi Anand / AP

The second wave is completely out of control in the country after the Indian government spoke of the “final phase of the epidemic” In March they relaxed their restraint measures, and launched religious rallies and festivals (See the video below) And even cricket matches with crowded stadiums.

Modi, who adopted one of the world’s toughest lockdowns last year, refused to endorse the measure again this year So as not to affect the recovery of the economy. Now the government is facing stinging criticism.

Video: Devotees participate in bathing rituals during the pandemic in India

Video: Devotees participate in bathing rituals during the pandemic in India

The Indian government attributed the spread of cases and deaths to the non-use of masks by the population and the lack of respect for social distance. And the Recently, he asked Twitter to delete dozens of posts critical of the government.

Experts also point to the new variable (see below) and government itself as causes.

Amid criticism, the government announced that it would expand vaccination against Covid-19 for people between the ages of 18 and 44, starting on Saturday. (Tomorrow, May 1).

But many states actually lost doses weeks ago Many Indians reported problems with social media in their ability to schedule their vaccination.

a India It is the third country with the largest number of applied doses in the world (147 million), yet China (243 million) and United State (234 million).

But, Relatively speaking, the country has implemented only 10.66 vaccines per 100 inhabitants, which is lower than the global average (13.93) e à China (16.95) and much less than United States of America (70,16).

Warnings of no vaccines against Covid-19 at the Vaccination Center in Mumbai, India, on April 20, 2021 – Photo: Frances Mascarenhas / Reuters

It is believed to be one of the causes of the second wave in India, a variable B 1.617 It has already been detected in dozens of countries and still raises many suspicions.

World Health Organization (Who is the) He says he does not know if the country’s highest case and death rate is due to the fact that the breed is more aggressive, the situation in the Indian health system or both..

According to the organization, The second wave may be caused by “other behaviors,” such as non-compliance with health restrictions and a large number of crowds.

The World Health Organization has classified the Indian breed as a “variant of interest”, rather than a “source of concern” (VOC).

Currently, the variants classified as “of concern” are Brazilian, British, and South African. It is the most dangerous vaccine (most contagious, most lethal, and resistant to vaccines).

A person sleeps next to a sign asking people to stay home to protect themselves from Covid-19 at a hospital in Hyderabad, India, on April 29, 2021 – Photo: Mahesh Kumar A./AP

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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