In two days, 45,000 have signed up to kill a bison in the US | nature

In two days, 45,000 have signed up to kill a bison in the US |  nature

More than 45,000 people have been registered to shoot a bison in the Grand Canyon after the United States National Park Service requested volunteers to do so. Control over overpopulation of these animals.

The famous national park in Arizona is looking for 12 “qualified volunteers” to reduce a herd that has grown enough to cause environmental damage.

The event is not classified as “hunting” because hunting is prohibited in national parks in the United States.

But some environmentalists warned that the move could set a dangerous precedent.

Registration opened Monday and closed 48 hours later with 45,040 subscribers.

25 initial names will be selected. After park officials assess their skills, including target shooting, 12 people will have the opportunity to kill a bison in an area of ​​the park known as the Northern Rim.

Volunteers are permitted to bring a support team, as per NPS rules.

Bison can weigh over 900 kg, but snipers must carry any dead bodies on foot, without the aid of automatic transport or pack animals.

The event will take place in rugged, rocky, and sometimes snowy terrain, over 2,440 meters.

Overcrowding of bison has caused damage – Photo: Lucy Nicholson / Reuters

Before being hunted to nearly extinction in the 19th century, bison (also known in the United States as buffalo) roamed most of the continent. It is estimated that 30 to 60 million bison was reduced to about 400 by the end of that century.

But ecologists say there is little evidence that the Grand Canyon was one of the habitats of these animals.

According to historians, the Northern Rim herd was introduced into the area after a failed attempt by border guards to cross bison and cattle in the early 1900s.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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