Isis Valverde Reproduction/Instagram
Isis Valverde, 37, interacted with her followers on Wednesday (21) by opening a question box on Instagram. The actress who went to celebrate her birthday in New York, United States, with her boyfriend, Marcus BoyesAsked how to eat with celiac disease.
The follower said, “Do you find it difficult to eat in places because of celiac disease? I also have celiac disease.” The artist replied: “Yes, I have a hard time eating. Sometimes they say it's gluten-free, and it is. Then everything gets a little bad for me.”
The actress explained that it is different in the United States. “Especially here, I have a lot of freedom when we go to places, where even the menu says it's gluten-free and gluten-free. Sometimes, there are places I go to that have a special menu, so I don't even have to.” Find What You eat it. “There's no gluten, because I can just eat it.”
Finally, it announced that Brazilian restaurants can also adopt special menus for customers. “It really helps those who suffer from this type of allergy, as it is a very strong intolerance,” he stressed.
What is celiac disease?
Celiac disease is an immune reaction to eating glutenProtein found in wheat, barley and rye. Over time, this reaction causes inflammation that damages the lining of the small intestine.
In addition to medical complications, this can affect the absorption of certain nutrients. The main symptom is diarrhea. To avoid worsening the condition, it is necessary to follow a strict gluten-free diet, as this controls symptoms and promotes intestinal healing.
Isis Valverde reveals the difficulty of eating while traveling due to illness
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