Doctors collaborated with Unimed / Criciúma They will decide at a meeting next Tuesday whether or not to agree to buy São João Batista Hospital and Laboratório Búrigo.
In the largest medical cooperative deal in Santa Catarina, as of next week Unimed/Criciúma may close the final purchase of one of the most traditional and largest hospitals in the southern region and the third largest medical laboratory in the state.

These are São João Batista Hospital, founded by businessman Santos Guglielmi, in 1963, and Laboratorio Perego, established by biochemist Marcio Perego in 1981. The hospital has already been run by the cooperative since 2019. The laboratory’s largest clients are Unimed members .
Unimed management is waiting for the approval of the cooperative members to publicize the business and values.
The General Meeting of Cooperative Doctors will be held next Tuesday at 7 pm at the Imperial Society de Cresima. If approved, the contract details will be immediately disclosed on the next day.

The interpretation of these negotiations is that the acquisition becomes a strategy without an alternative, as other groups have been in the process of negotiating with these brands.