How does Influence with AI earn R$166,000 per month?

How does Influence with AI earn R6,000 per month?

After the first like on Aitana's photo, the artificial characters started haunting me. Some real goods, Some of them are frighteningly real, Others not so much.

Not all artificial characters want to be confused with humans. This is the case of Lou, Magallo and CB Casas Bahia. But its creators see the same thing: the ideal digital influencer, since he works without complaint, his actions can be controlled without any fees.

While brainstorming new and potential projects, we were surprised by the exorbitant fees that influencers charge these days. It got us thinking, “What if we created our own influencer?” The rest is history: we unwittingly created a monster. A beautiful one, however
Sofia Novalis, Product Manager at Clueless

The leading company does not believe that its little monster will replace humans, but rather that it will live with us.

“We do not believe that real models will become obsolete or be replaced by AI-generated models like Aitana. We expect the two to coexist. We see the potential for virtual influencers to have a stronger impact in some industries, such as fashion and beauty, where visual aesthetics play a role.” Important,” says Sophia.

trends. Filters. Artificial life. And now the synthetic characters. The good times were when we thought fake news was the only invented stuff circulating on social media.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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