How does artificial intelligence work on WhatsApp?

How does artificial intelligence work on WhatsApp?

With the popularity of AI software, WhatsApp messenger also joined the demand and, in July this year, launched its own version of AI: LuzIA. It can be accessed via a computer or cell phone application and provides different functions to assist users. Next, find out how LuzIA AI works on WhatsApp.

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What is LuzIA and how does it work?

(Photo: Pedro Spadoni/Ulhar Digital)

In July 2023, WhatsApp announced the official launch of LuzIA: an artificial intelligence program that works through messages within the application itself. Chatting with AI is similar to chatting with any of your contacts: just access the chat, start the conversation, and send various commands.

To access LuzIA chat, just add this number 11 97255-3036 to your schedule. After saving it, open WhatsApp and start a new conversation with the AI ​​by sending “Hello”. It is also possible to access this site To save more time and talk to her directly. However, it should be noted that any person or company can talk to her, anytime, anywhere.

Reproduction: Wagner Edwards/Ulhar Digital

But what can she do? It depends on your imagination. In this article, we comment on some of the most common, but briefly, possible features:

  • Text translation.
  • Transcribe audios.
  • Generating digital images through descriptions;
  • Prepare to-do lists;
  • Correct the spelling of texts;
  • Suggest movies and hobbies.
  • Summarizing the contents of the text;
  • Provide weather forecasts for where you live;
  • Receive updated news on various topics, etc.;

Generally, you write a message explaining what you need and send it to the bot. It will then analyze the received request and provide you with the required information. It is very easy to use and can be very useful for improving your routine for certain tasks.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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