How did Curitiba become the smartest city in the world?

How did Curitiba become the smartest city in the world?

I am from Curitiba. It is a pleasure for Curitiba to receive this award to recognize the full story and everyone involved. I was very happy. The award is a matter of fairness. Curitiba should have won before long
Pedro Borio, Brazilian Ambassador to Barcelona

This was the first time that the capital, Parana, received the award, and the fifth time that it was among the six smartest cities in the world.

Last year, Curitiba achieved its goal by proposing food and nutrition security based on urban agriculture. In 2019, the project was Vale do Pinhão. In the previous competition, the city was a finalist in another category, urban ecology, with the Horta do Chef urban farming project, which encourages urban farmers to sell a portion of the food they grow to restaurants in the city.

“I want the lessons of Curitiba to reach Brazil and Brazilians. It is through cities that the world will change, and this is the lesson of the World Smart City Award,” celebrated Mayor Rafael Greca (PSD).

Oscar Niemeyer Museum in Curitiba Photo: Marcos Silva/Getty Images

Bright Cities, a company that diagnoses the efficiency of cities and suggests solutions to improve them, was one of the companies that worked for Curitiba. Raquel Cardamone, smart city specialist and CEO of the company, explains that the award-winning result has been built over years.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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