HMS suspends elective surgeries and restricts visits due to the large number of certified professionals

HMS suspends elective surgeries and restricts visits due to the large number of certified professionals
HMS suspends elective surgeries and restricts visits due to the large number of certified professionals

Mato Grosso do Sul Regional Hospital has suspended elective surgeries – less urgent – and restricted visits as temporary measures due to the large number of health professionals with medical degrees.

According to a document signed by the Director General of Human Resources, Paolo Limberger, the measures will come into effect as of Monday (15). The hospital's goal with these measures is to reorganize resources and “ensure the safety of patients and staff.” With this, the HRMS also expects a decrease in the flow of people within the hospital.

Interim measures

Elective surgeries will be suspended for five days starting Monday so that the HRMS can maintain adequate resources to handle emergencies. Visits will be restricted to only one visitor per patient. Timelines have not yet been determined.

Finally, the hospital still requires the use of masks while staying inside the facility. The measure aims to prevent the spread of infection.

The document does not directly mention any disease, but the mandatory use of masks and reducing the flow of people are linked to respiratory viral infections, such as Covid-19.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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