Health is preparing an action plan for possible flooding in Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarawaca

Health is preparing an action plan for possible flooding in Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarawaca

Anticipating a flood scenario, the State Ministry of Health (Sesacre) was present on Friday and Saturday, the 20th and 21st, in the municipalities of Cruzeiro do Sul and Tarawaca, carrying out actions via the Juroa River Flood Alert Quota.

A team from Sesacre inspected the health units in Juruá. Photo: Introduction

By aligning strategies with the Civil Defense, the Health Secretariat of the Municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul and the Juroa Regional Office, the visit aimed to put the emergency plan into action and to identify methods of monitoring in emergency situations.

This action resulted in the inspection of health units, surveying the number of beds, the amount of inputs and equipment available in the area, to counter a possible flooding of the Jurua River.

Harmonization of strategies with Civil Defense, Cruzeiro do Sul Municipal Health Secretariat and Juroa Regional Office. Photo: Introduction

Sesacre works in these emergencies, supporting municipalities and structuring hospital units to receive patients from flood victims. Therefore, the administration is seeking to put in place a coping plan aimed at limiting the damage to our populations, ”said Assistant Secretary of Assistance to Sesacre, Ana Cristina Moraes.

The purpose of the visit was to put the contingency plan into action and to identify emergency monitoring methods. Photo: Introduction

On this occasion, the Assistant Secretary visited the Hospital de Jouroa and Emergency Care Unit (UPA) Jacques Pereira Braga, in Cruzeiro do Sul, in order to check the stock of medicines and the number of beds.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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