He confirms that he is the economic advisor who said that Argentina will not join the BRICS

He confirms that he is the economic advisor who said that Argentina will not join the BRICS

Diana Mondino will take over as chancellor and the country will seek to establish sexual relations with the United States and Israel. It also calls for the sale of the Falkland Islands

Miley and Diana Mondino

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247 – The day after his victory at the polls that consecrated him as president-elect, far-right Javier Miley began laying the foundations for his future entry into the international arena. Diana Mondino, an economist at Argentina’s Center for Macroeconomic Studies (CEMA) and a member of the boards of major companies, has been appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs, according to the British newspaper “Daily Mail”. a report From page 12.
Mondino, known for her controversial positions, from the privatization of public works to the sale of organs and the Falkland Islands, is already working on the international agenda from the 21st floor of the Hotel Libertador, the new political hub. Even before its confirmation, it was reported that Argentina will not join BRICS.

Miley revealed during an interview that Mondino’s focus will be “working to shrink the state and eliminate taxes.” However, she will have to give up her elected seat to take up her position at the San Martin Palace.

The president-elect also announced that he will travel to the United States and Israel before taking office. Furthermore, he extended a personal invitation to Jair Messias Bolsonaro to attend the inauguration ceremony on December 10, in which El Salvador’s President Bukele may also participate.

Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, President of Brazil, wished “good luck and success” to the new government, although Palacio Planalto stated that before the talks began, he expected an apology from Miley for the statements he had previously made, calling Lula a “communist.” And “the thief.”

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China and Russia also welcomed the new government, but expressed some mistrust. Miley had previously announced that he would not maintain trade relations with Brazil, China and Russia, describing them as “communists.” China said it wants to “work with Argentina to continue friendship” and promote “win-win cooperation.” In turn, the Russian Kremlin announced that it is awaiting clarification on many issues that will affect bilateral relations.

Miley organized her first round to ratify various international alliances. He explained that he will travel to the United States of America and Israel at the end of November and December, noting that the trip has “more spiritual significance than anything else.”

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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