Government: In a letter to Biden, Mouse and other governors suggested limiting the impact of climate change

Government: In a letter to Biden, Mouse and other governors suggested limiting the impact of climate change

Governor Carlos Massa Rattino Jr. is one of the signatories, along with 22 other heads of state, to a letter addressed to the President of the United States, Joe Biden, to propose partnerships and financing strategies to reduce the impact of climate change. Collected in the Conservatives for Climate Alliance, they signal Brazil’s interest in building collaborative solutions to defend humanity and all species threatened by the degradation of ecosystems.

The document was sent to the US President on the eve of the April Climate Leaders’ Summit, which will be held on April 22-23, and is expected to gather heads of state from 40 countries. The text says: “Brazilian countries have enormous potential to contribute to global emissions capture.”

The signatories to the charter represent 90% of the Brazilian territory and are committed to promoting climate balance, reducing inequality, regenerating the environment, developing green economic chains, and encouraging the adoption of technologies to reduce emissions of gases that interfere with climate change.

“Governments recognize their responsibility to reduce greenhouse gases, promote renewable energy, combat deforestation, comply with the Forest Law to preserve native forests and plants, and improve efficiency in agriculture and livestock. Large-scale afforestation is possible, integrated with local socio-productive systems.

Conservationists also stress the search for concrete solutions to tackle poverty, especially in forest areas. “These measures, in addition to decarbonizing, protecting biodiversity and reducing poverty, can prevent future epidemics,” the two sites highlight.

Alliances Another proposal for the document is to form alliances between the governments of the Brazilian states, the United States, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Latin American leaders, and to promote exchange between them. According to the letter, joint proposals from the Governors are scheduled to be presented in November at COP26, the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.

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They noted that “the Climate Governors Alliance is working to structure interconnected climate, social and economic policies as a basis for sustainable development.”

Governors also praised the Biden government’s decision to promote the international environmental agenda and the Paris Agreement. “We express our determination to implement joint actions, and we propose the cooperation of the United States and the Brazilian states, which are responsible for most of the Amazon rainforest and other biomes, which contain a wide biodiversity and are able to regulate water and carbon cycles on a planet scale.”

Representatives indicated that they have funds and mechanisms to respond to climate change, which is a transparent way of using foreign resources for conservation. “Our partnership can add technical capacity, large renewable areas of land and local government with the investment capacity of the US economy, connecting public policy, scientific knowledge, innovative tools and business initiatives.”

The text indicates that the proposal aims to unify an agenda that includes environmental conservation, productive recovery of degraded areas and environmental protection, with an emphasis on reducing inequality. In this sense, they pledge to expand green areas not only in the Amazon, but also to other biomes that are also degraded and have significant carbon sequestration capacity, such as Cerrado, Atlantic Forest, Caatinga, Pampa and Pantanal.

However, one of the concerns is that measures taken to reduce pollutant emissions and prevent a global warming of 1.5 ° C until the end of the century have become a burden for the poorest countries, which is why cooperation with developed countries is so important, especially the United States.

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“The current terrible pandemic, in addition to the urgency of the climate, requires immediate action to prevent diseases on a global scale,” highlights one of the sections. “Together, we can quickly build the largest decarbonizing economy on the planet, establish standards to foster the global economy’s transition to a carbon-neutral model, and guide green recovery in the post-pandemic phase.”

Signatures – In addition to Ratino Junior, referees signed Gladson Camille (AC), Renan Filho (AL), Joyce’s parents (AP), Wilson Lima (AM), Rui Costa (BA), Camilo Santana (CE) and Renato Casagrande. (Spain), Ronaldo Chiado (GO), Flavio Dino (Master), Mauro Mendes (MT), Reynaldo Azamboga (MS), Romeo Zima (MG), Helder Barbalho (PA), Joao Azevedo (PB), Paulo Camara (PE) ))), Wellington Dias (PI), Cláudio Castro (RJ), Fátima Bezerra (RN), Eduardo Leite (RS), Belivaldo Chagas (SE), João Doria (SP), Mauro Carlesse (TO).

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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