First images of a Russian A-50 allegedly damaged by a Belarusian home-made UAV

First images of a Russian A-50 allegedly damaged by a Belarusian home-made UAV

After Belarusian groups opposed to Lukashenko’s government claimed to have attacked and damaged a Russian A-50 Air Force Warning and Control (AEW&C) aircraft while it was at Machulish Air Base, The first satellite images have emerged that cast doubt on the veracity of these claims.

On Sunday, February 26, the Belarusian organization BYPOL, which opposes the government of dictator Lukashenko, reported that a Russian AEW&C A-50U was attacked and seriously damaged by a special operation organized by supporters of the so-called “Victory Plan”.. Said attack could have been carried out with two regular drones, and they claimed the damage would be severe enough to put this vital technology out of action.

However, the first satellite images taken today (below, wait for upload) from Machulish Air Base (located south of Minsk) The Russian A-50 appears in good shapeit seems.

As shown in satellite images released by Planet Labs today, the A-50U in question shows two black dots, one on the Shmel-M radar antenna and the other on the front of the fuselage, identical to those reported by BYPOL. However, the damage appears to be much less dramatic than was originally suggested. Aviation reports.

While the A-50’s radar may be out of order due to the damage, it remains unclear whether the aircraft will be able to fly again in order to be flown to Russia for repairs. What seems clear is that the plane was moved from its usual parking lot, which may have been a reaction to the attack.

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A proper assessment of the damage will have to await the emergence of high-resolution satellite imagery.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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