FGTS 2024 Withdrawal Anniversary Calendar released; See dates

FGTS 2024 Withdrawal Anniversary Calendar released;  See dates

The Federal Government has just announced the release of the FGTS Fund Anniversary Withdrawal Calendar for 2024. According to the published schedule, withdrawals will be made according to the worker's date of birth.

This rule means that shareholders born in January can now withdraw the amount corresponding to the interest. Let's understand more about how the FGTS Birthday Draw works.

FGTS 2024 Christmas withdrawal calendar

Birth month Withdrawal period
January From January 2 to March 29
February From February 1 to April 30
He walks From March 1 to May 31
April From April 1 to June 28
maybe From May 2 to July 31
June From June 3 to August 30
July From July 1 to September 30
August From August 1 to October 31
September From September 2nd to November 30th
October From October 1 to December 29
November From November 1 to January 31, 2025
December From December 2 to February 28, 2025

How does the FGTS Birthday Draw work?

The FGTS Birthday Withdrawal Method allows workers who have adhered to this format to withdraw an annual portion of the balance from their FGTS accounts, always in their birthday month.

On the other hand, if there is a dismissal, the current rule only allows them to receive a severance penalty. It is important to note that withdrawing the Christmas Draw means giving up the Termination Draw, whereby a worker, upon dismissal from the company without just cause, has the right to withdraw the entire amount available in his or her FGTS account.

New proposal regarding Christmas withdrawal

The Department of Labor is proposing a change to this rule. With the new proposal, workers who choose the Christmas withdrawal method could also have the option to withdraw the full balance of their FGTS accounts, meaning they will no longer be limited to withdrawing the termination penalty.

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This change remains on the agenda, but will undoubtedly be a major development for workers who choose to opt out of the FGTS birthday.

The changes proposed by the Ministry of Labor are continuing to be evaluated and, once approved, will be made public. Meanwhile, workers who opted out for Christmas can follow the published calendar for next year and plan their finances based on this feature.

For more information about FGTS withdrawal methods and the proposed new rules, keep following our news or visit Official website From FGTS.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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