Farmers’ test will require agility from pedestrians Wednesday (4) – A Fazenda 15

Farmers’ test will require agility from pedestrians Wednesday (4) – A Fazenda 15

Galisto will provide all the details of the test on Wednesday’s live program

On Wednesday night (4), Laranginha, Jacqueline and Sander will compete in the fun Classic Farmers Quiz, which comes live from Farm 13. Dynamics will require agility to “steal” the corn from the scary scarecrow’s farm. To win the Hat of the Week, workers will need to run to get as many ears as possible while the scarecrow sleeps. When he wakes up, they will have to hide to protect the target from paintball bullets.

Each pawn will place a bag with all the ears he has managed to collect on a digital scale. The one with the lightest bag, that is, the one with the fewest ears, will be eliminated from the competition and will go directly to Roça. The remaining two pawns will compete for more rounds, and in the end, whoever has the heaviest bag will be the new farmer.

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In the program of Tuesday (3) the formation of the second Roça de band Farm 15. Laranginha, Jacqueline, Sander and Tonzão were the nominated infantrymen. With the power of the flames, Rachel was able to veto one of them and Tonzão went straight to the hot seat, without even having a chance to compete in the farmer’s test.

Farm 15 It is shown Monday to Friday at 10:45 p.m., and Saturday and Sunday at 11 p.m., on television. TV record. Follow the And social media to stay up to date with all the news! participation in Play Plus They have access to the cameras 24 hours a day.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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