We all know the result already: Eloy Casagrande He's the new drummer Sliding knot. But what about the story behind all this? How did the invitation come, and what were the steps that prompted the Brazilian to join the North American giant's squad? The answers have finally arrived!
In a new interview with be seenthe drummer told more details about the process of joining the group he leads Corey Taylor that it Sean “The Clown” Crahan He narrated behind the scenes this major achievement in his career. The first invitation, he said, came in December last year:
The invitation came last December from the businessman [deles]. He asked me if I would be interested in testing first. I accepted. They asked me to record some videos and send them here, from Brazil. First there were three songs, then they asked me for three more, and asked me if I had any plans to go to the US, and I had a show scheduled there in January, with my instrumental music project, Casagrande & Hanysz. So they pushed my trip forward a little bit, and I spent five days in Palm Springs, rehearsing with the full band. Then they asked me to extend my stay for another five days, so that we could record some things. I think that was also part of this test, they threw new ideas at me to see what my composition was like. They wanted to test me in every way.
Highlighting that the fact that Slipknot is made up of nine musicians brings “multiple areas and layers”, Eloy revealed that he only discovered he “passed the audition” at the beginning of February – more specifically, between February 5th and 6th. The second month of this year. The path to obtaining this approval, according to the Brazilian, was complicated:
At first, they didn't explain to us what we were going to do. Everything was in darkness. The first thing they sent was a confidential document, so I couldn't talk about it with anyone. I learned the score, prepared myself, and four days before the trip, they sent a list of 32 songs that would be important for me to know. Many of the ones I was learning weren't on that list, so I started looking up sheet music. When I got there [nos Estados Unidos]They gave me the setlist the first day, which had some songs I didn't know either, but we went out and played them.
Eloy Casagrande reveals the behind the scenes of joining Slipknot
In the same interview, Casagrande said: “I was incredibly nervous” on the first day of training. For him, it was “very impressive to see the players up front”:
A band I've been listening to since I was a teenager, and watching on TV. The first day I was bad, I didn't like my performance, but from the second day I started to improve. Every day they played a different setlist in the morning, so I had a few hours to learn a song or two that was missing. Overall, it was very peaceful. I had everyone's support.
As we said at the beginning of the article, everyone already knows the score: Eloy Casagrande is the new drummer of Slipknot and has already achieved great things there, including the most liked post in the entire history of the band, as we told you here.
Below, you can check out some recordings of Eloy's first shows with his new band!