Egypt confirms that Israel bombed Rafah four times and that the crossing is still closed – News

Egypt confirms that Israel bombed Rafah four times and that the crossing is still closed – News

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  • Egypt confirmed that Israel bombed Rafah four times since October 7.
  • The border crossing connects the Gaza Strip to the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula.
  • The area remains without permission from the Jewish state for humanitarian aid to enter.

A destroyed building in Rafah after an aerial bombardment
Saeed Al-Khatib/AFP – 10/17/2023

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry confirmed on Tuesday (17) that since the start of the conflict, on October 7, Israel has bombed the Rafah border crossing, which connects the Gaza Strip to the Egyptian peninsula, four times and Sinai, which continues without permission from the Jewish state. For the entry of humanitarian aid and the exit of citizens.

Shukri said in an interview with the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), reported by his ministry, that “the crossing was the target of four aerial bombardments by Israel, and therefore it is not operating normally. Moreover, the crossing was not officially closed by Egypt.” . Israel has not yet given permission to open it on the Palestinian side.

“We are in constant contact with all UN agencies to obtain safe passage for humanitarian aid. There is still no kind of authorization for safe passage on the other side of the crossing,” the minister announced, on the same day a convoy of trucks loaded with supplies was waiting for the green light. To enter the Palestinian sector.

In this sense, the head of Egyptian diplomacy stressed that “attempts to distort the Egyptian position regarding the Rafah crossing are unacceptable,” and affirmed the Arab country’s commitment to delivering humanitarian aid.

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Shukri also stressed that Israel’s order for the Palestinians to move south “completely contradicts international humanitarian law”, as is “leaving people without water, electricity and food.”

Egypt has not yet been able to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, which is still waiting for Israeli permission to open the crossing, while trucks loaded with humanitarian supplies are piled up at the entrance to the site.

Israel cut off basic supplies to the Palestinian Strip as collective punishment and in response to the attacks carried out by the Islamic fundamentalist Hamas movement on October 7.

The Rafah crossing is the only exit from the Gaza Strip that is not controlled by Israel, which has been bombing the area where 2.2 million people live for more than a week.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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