Does red meat rot in the intestines? See myths and facts

Does red meat rot in the intestines?  See myths and facts

Although meat contains cholesterol, its level only increases with excessive consumption.

< 1 Minutes of reading

The controversy surrounding red meat has continued for a long time, with differing opinions about its health effects, leading many people to avoid it due to fears of heart disease and diabetes, although some opinions have no scientific basis.

However, nutrition expert Bruna Fernanda Escher from the CEJAM Center, clarified some misconceptions and confirmed information about food. Although meat contains cholesterol, its level only increases with excessive consumption, and the idea of ​​meat rotting in the intestines is a myth, as the organ is responsible for digesting food.

It is true that eating meat is not directly linked to weight gain, which is affected by several factors, including eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, it is not its consumption that leads to weight gain, but rather its excess.

Moreover, and contrary to another myth, eating red meat does not directly harm bone health; Nutritional deficiency of calcium and phosphorus is more important in this aspect.

However, it is true that its excessive consumption can contribute to heart problems and type 2 diabetes, but this is not in itself what causes these diseases, which are caused by several factors, but rather its high consumption. Information from G1.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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