Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia

Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia

The botanical genus Dodonaea is a treasure trove of plant diversity, offering a variety of attractive species for garden enthusiasts. Gardens.

Better understand the distinctive characteristics of two notable species: Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia. Plus, learn basic care tips to ensure healthy blooms for these plants.

Source: Elena Rostonova / Shutterstock

Dodonaea viscosa: versatile beauty and resistance


Dodonaea viscosa, also known as Hop Bush or Akeake, is a plant known for its versatility and resistance.

This species originally hails from several regions, including Australia and North America, and has bright green lanceolate leaves, which become sticky to the touch due to the presence of resin.

to Flowers Dodonaea viscosa plants are discreet, but their beauty lies in the shade the leaves take throughout the year.

During different seasons, leaves can range from vibrant green to shades of red and bronze, providing a visual spectacle throughout the plant's life cycle.


To ensure successful cultivation of Dodonaea viscosa, it is necessary to provide well-drained soil and place the plant in sunny locations.

This species is known for its drought resistance, but a regular supply of water is essential, especially during dry periods. Occasional pruning will help maintain the desired shape and promote healthy growth.

Dodonaea angustifolia: elegance and sophistication


Dodonaea angustifolia, also known as Switchwood or Narrow-leaved Hop Bush, is a species that impresses with its elegance and soft-textured foliage.

Its narrow leaves, arranged alternately along the branches, give the plant a delicate and sophisticated appearance. This species is native to regions such as Australia and New Zealand.

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The flowers, although discreet, add a touch of magic to the garden. The Dodonaea angustifolia tree is not only highly regarded for its beauty, but also for its resistance to harsh conditions, making it a popular choice in sustainable landscaping.


To keep Dodonaea angustifolia healthy and vibrant, provide well-drained soil and place the plant in sunny or partially shaded locations.

Regular watering is essential during periods of active growth, but the plant also shows drought tolerance. Light pruning can be done to shape the plant as desired and enhance its density.

The Dodonaea genus offers a fascinating array of species, and we highlight two notable species: Dodonaea viscosa and Dodonaea angustifolia, each with its own distinct characteristics and charm.

By incorporating these plants into their green spaces, gardeners can enjoy not only the visual beauty, but also the flexibility and adaptability these plants provide. Classify Displays. With proper care, Dodonias can thrive, providing a touch of elegance and nature to any garden.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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