Do you think you lost these photos forever? How to recover it from your cell phone

Do you think you lost these photos forever?  How to recover it from your cell phone

Who among us has never faced the despair of accidentally deleting an important photo or video from their cell phone? Fortunately, for both Android and Android users iPhoneThere is a way to rescue these lost memories.

In this guide, we'll explore the simple steps to recover photos from your phone's trash, ensuring your precious memories don't get lost in the digital vortex.

1. Recovery on Android: Simple and effective

For system users AndroidRecovering deleted photos is a hassle-free task. According to Google Support, recently deleted photos and videos remain in the trash for a specific period of time. Photos saved in a backup have an extended period of up to 60 days, while photos without a backup are available for 30 days.

Steps to recover on Android:

  1. Open the Google Photos app on your Android device.
  2. Tap “Library” at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Access the “Trash” option.
  4. Long press on the photo or video you want.
  5. Select “Restore”.

By following these simple steps, your chosen photo or video will be restored not only to your smartphone gallery, but also to your Google Photos library and original albums.

2. iPhone recovery: 30-day window

iOS users also have the opportunity to recover deleted photos, but within a stricter time frame. In the Photos app, access the Deleted album, where deleted media remains for 30 days.

iPhone recovery instructions:

  1. Open the Photos app and go to the Deleted album.
  2. Click on the photo or video you want.
  3. Click “Recover”. For multimedia, select Select.

It is important to note that after 30 days, the media in this folder is permanently deleted, without the possibility of recovery. Additionally, users of macOS Ventura or later can perform this operation by opening the Deleted album with a password or Touch ID.

Top tip: iCloud sync

Make sure your devices are synced with iCloud to access your media outside of your iPhone on your other devices.

Losing valuable photos can be painful, but with your cell phone trash, there's a chance to get those precious memories back.

Whether you're using Android or iPhone, follow our step-by-step instructions and make sure your most important moments don't disappear into cyberspace. Always remember to act quickly because time is of the essence in the recovery process. the pictures From cell phone trash.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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