Discover Brazilian places with scary legends on Google Maps

Discover Brazilian places with scary legends on Google Maps

Thinking of the most curious and brave people who come to our blog Sassy daywe have prepared a selection of 10 places full of scary – or at least unusual – stories that can be “visited” using Google Street View, a feature of Google Maps, in different parts of Brazil.

The October 31 festival, which has its origins in pagan celebrations in areas of the United Kingdom and Ireland, gained fame in the United States under the name Halloween And here in Brazil, it’s like Halloween. To provide harmony and value to Brazilian folklore, the country’s official calendar began celebrating Sassi Day, since 2003, on the same date.

As the celebration opens up space for mystery stories and legends of the supernatural, click on the images to walk through this sinister itinerary on Street View.

ET from Varginha

The most famous Brazilian extraterrestrial object was supposedly sighted in the city of Varginha, in the state of Minas Gerais, on January 20, 1996. The appearance of the object was reported by three young people, which became known as “ET de Varginha”. Testimonies from other witnesses who reported suspicious objects flying through the area helped make the case in southern Minas Gerais famous in UFO communities around the world. Visit E.T. Memorial to know more.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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