Dengue fever: Ministry of Health establishes emergency operations center in the country | health

Dengue fever: Ministry of Health establishes emergency operations center in the country |  health

On Saturday (3), the Ministry of Health launched the Center for Emergency Operations (COE), in Brasilia, to try to prevent the spread of dengue cases throughout the country.

So far, Accra, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, some municipalities in Goiás, and the Federal District have declared a state of emergency – recording a 1,060% increase in cases of the disease.

The Ministry of Health establishes a center to combat the spread of dengue fever in Goiás

In an interview with Globo TVMinister Nicia Trindade announced the publication of a decree in the Official Journal of the Union (DOU) on the activities to be carried out by the Operations Centre. The post appeared in an extra edition of DOU on Friday night (Read more below).

The goal, according to the ministry, is to provide more flexibility in monitoring and analyzing the national scenario, thus enhancing assistance to states and municipalities, including providing raw materials to basic health units and hospitals.

According to the minister, R$140 million will be allocated monthly for this purpose.

“what he does [Centro de Operações de Emergência] It is to unify the secretariats and technical areas of the Ministry of Health with the Council of States and Municipalities, with the aim of being able to act quickly, to be able to know where more serum is needed, and where more attention is needed to strengthen health professionals. “Nisya said.

The minister added: “Therefore, we will mobilize as we did in cases of floods and droughts to support municipalities with everything possible.”

“We are not describing it yet as a national epidemiological situation, but as a situation of concern and care and not allowing an explosion of cases to occur in a way that creates this great challenge to population health and the health system. Since beds are needed, hydration is essential. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of the places where a case has taken hold.” Dengue fever is already avoided and prevented [a dengue] All over the country,” the minister said.

Meetings with mayors and governors

A meeting between the Ministry of Health, mayors and associations is scheduled to be held on Saturday to reinforce the importance of integration in the fight against dengue fever. The meeting will be on Monday (5) with the governors of all states.

“We know that 75% of mosquito infestations are in homes, so we have to do this work, every one of us, every citizen. We also appeal to city councils. We often find deposits in courtyards and public areas. All this in urban areas” Cleaning work Essential. Our slogan is “Brazil, united against dengue”. Therefore, we are all responsible at this moment,” the minister stressed.

The responsibilities of the Emergency Operations Center highlighted by the decree published in the Official Gazette this Friday are as follows:

  • Plan, organize, coordinate and control the measures to be used during the response;
  • Coordinate with SUS managers at the state, district and municipal levels;
  • Liaison with public authority bodies and entities;
  • Submitting technical reports on the situation to the Minister of State for Health
  • Epidemiological and response measures;
  • Disseminate information to the population regarding response, epidemiological situation and assistance; that it
  • – Justifiably suggest to the Ministry of Health the activation of health teams.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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