Elisangela is Davey's mother, from “BBB 24” Reproduction
Duffy's team, from Big Brother Brasil 24, asked the Public Ministry in Bahia to investigate racist insults directed at the brother on social media. The lawyers collected statements from Internet users and offensive posts from the public on the networks and filed a lawsuit on Monday (11) before the Public Prosecutor’s Office. Davey's mother, although saddened by the whole situation, agreed with her brother's team's position and responded: “Racism is a crime.”
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The case is being analyzed by the MP, who is now examining social media profiles that contain racist posts. Furthermore, the participant's team released a set of crimes showing racist acts by netizens due to the events of the game. Among the screenshots are phrases referring to skin color and the period of slavery. The team notes that these messages are criminal in nature.
According to the Public Ministry of Bahia, the complaint was filed last Monday (11) and “the companies responsible for the social networks that have allegedly committed racist crimes will be allowed to send information about the profiles that allegedly committed the alleged criminal practice, with the aim being to identify the authors.”
“People have become very comfortable expressing hatred on social media, whether it is racial, gender or sexual orientation, believing that they are hiding, that they will not be discovered. But we have the legal and technological tools to discover the author of this type of message,” said Public Prosecutor Livia Santana Vaz.
“Duffy deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of his origin, race, or any other characteristic. It's important that people understand the importance of his words, especially on social media. His anonymity should not be used to your advantage to post. Hate and discrimination,” the post's team wrote. “.
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Who should leave “BBB 24” today, Jasmine, Lucas or Isabelle? See part of the wall survey