Committee approves BPC for people with ADHD or mental disorders – News

Committee approves BPC for people with ADHD or mental disorders – News

08/28/2023 – 20:26

Zika Ribeiro/House of Representatives

Duarte Jr., Proposal Rapporteur

The House Committee on the Advocacy of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities approved Grant Continuous savings benefit (BPC) for people who have been diagnosed with mental illnesses, disorders, or disorders that affect their full and effective participation in society.

Measure is in substitute By Representative Duarte Jr. (PSB-MA) for Bill 3050/19, by Former Deputy Roberto de Lucena (SP).

The BPC is minimum wage equivalent assistance paid to needy seniors over the age of 65 or to people on low incomes.

However, the current legislation stipulates that the entitlement is granted to a person with a disability only if it is verified that there is a “long-term disability” of a physical, mental, intellectual or sensory nature. This definition makes it difficult to provide assistance to people with mental disorders or disorders.

On the other hand, Duarte Jr.’s text aims to make it easier to frame these people. The text states that “impairments of a mental nature in the long term include any illnesses, disorders or mental disturbances which may impede a person’s full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others.”

Duarte Jr. expanded the scope of the original project, which was intended to equate only a person with a mental disorder with a person with a mental disability for all legal purposes. He said there are other mental conditions that cause long-term disabilities and are not necessarily disorders.

and amend the approved text Social Assistance Organic Law (Loas) and the Brazilian Act for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities.

The project will be analyzed in categorical character, by health committees; and Constitution, Justice, and Citizenship (CCJ).

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Reporting – Murilo Souza
Editing – Pierre Tripolit

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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