Comet Satan can be seen from Brazil this Sunday; Find out the best time – Jovem Baan

Comet Satan can be seen from Brazil this Sunday;  Find out the best time – Jovem Baan

Comet Satan will be visible in Brazil on Sunday the 21st

Astronomy lovers can celebrate, because this Sunday (21), it will be possible to see Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, also known as Devil's Comet, which will be visible in Brazil and the Southern Hemisphere. With an orbital period of 71.3 years, the comet will be at its closest point to the Sun, becoming most visible from 5. :40 p.m. Observers in the region are watching It has been passing since April 7, and the northernmost states were the first to observe it. The best time for viewing will be between 5:40 pm and 6:30 pm, heading towards the western horizon towards sunset. Finding a location with a clear western horizon will be difficult, given the comet's low height in the sky by about 15 degrees.


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According to astronomer Felipe Montero, from the National Observatory, the comet's intense brightness makes it impossible to see it with the naked eye, making it necessary to use binoculars or telescopes. On June 2, Comet Satan will be closer to Earth, but with limited visibility. Discovered by Jean-Louis Pons in 1812 and rediscovered by William Robert Brooks in 1883, it is a Halley type and lasts between 20 and 200 years. It was named “Devil’s Comet” in 2023 after an explosion that increased its brightness and transformed its rays into the shape of horns.

The reason the comet is given this name is that compared to the Millennium Falcon from Star Wars, the comet intrigues astronomers due to its “horn” formation. Hypotheses suggest that uneven release of gas and dust or shadow effects may be responsible for the comet's strange appearance. The comet consists of frozen gases, rocks, and dust, and becomes active when it approaches the sun, forming a coma around it.

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*The report was prepared with the help of artificial intelligence

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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