Check out this news for you now

Check out this news for you now

Hey WhatsApp It is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world and constantly introduces new features to improve the user experience. However, many people don’t know about all the updates and features available. In this matter News competitions Let’s explore 10 recent news from WhatsAppFrom short video messages to custom avatars. Stay up to date with the latest app features and make the most of this amazing communication tool.

Short video messages

A recent update to WhatsApp allows users to send video messages, similar to the feature in Telegram. Now, you can capture videos of up to 60 seconds to share with your contacts. This new function does not replace video calling or traditional video sending, but it provides a fast and practical way to share special moments with your friends and family.


WhatsApp recently introduced the Communities feature, which allows users to create groups with common interests. You can now participate in communities to get news, movies, series and much more. This new functionality makes it easier to interact and share information with people who have the same interests as you. Explore WhatsApp communities and find the perfect group for you.

Improved camera interface

The WhatsApp camera interface has seen major improvements. Now, you can find photo and video modes in separate tabs, making it easier to switch between them. In addition, WhatsApp has also increased the photo sending limit to up to 100 photos at a time. Now you can share entire photo albums with your friends and family quickly and easily.

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Captions in documents

It is also possible to add captions to photos and videos WhatsApp Now lets you add captions to shared documents. This function is very useful when you need to provide additional information about a file or explain its contents in more detail. By using captions in documents, you can ensure that all recipients understand the context and importance of shared files.

Custom avatars

Custom avatars are a new addition to WhatsApp. Now you can create a virtual doll that looks like you and use it in your conversations. This function allows you to express yourself in a unique way and add a personal touch to your messages. Create your own avatar and make your conversations more fun and personalized.

Thumbnail mode on iOS

On iOS, WhatsApp Introduced picture-in-picture mode for shared videos. With this feature, you can continue watching a video even while browsing other chats. This function is especially useful when you need to catch up on an important video while chatting with your contacts. Enjoy thumbnail mode and don’t miss any important moments.

Keep specific messages in temporary chats

WhatsApp now lets you keep specific messages in temporary chats. This means you can keep important and relevant messages even when the chat expires. This function is useful when you need to refer to specific information in temporary chats, such as addresses, phone numbers, or event details. Never lose any important information again with the message saving feature.

Text and image extraction tool

On iOS, WhatsApp It now has an integrated text and image extraction tool. This function makes it easier to detect and extract characters from shared images and documents. If you receive an image that contains important text or need to copy information from a document, simply use the extraction tool to get the required data. Simplify the process of extracting information with this new function.

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Waiting room for group guests

Group admins can now enable the waiting room for guests. This functionality allows admins to have more control over who joins and leaves the group. Guests will have to wait for approval before being added to the group, ensuring a safer and more organized experience. Keep tabs on your collection and enjoy your new guest waiting room.


WhatsApp continues to evolve and introduce new interesting features to users. With features like video messaging, communities, custom avatars, and more, WhatsApp It remains one of the most popular messaging apps in the world. Explore all the new features mentioned in this article and make the most out of this amazing communication tool.

Don’t waste time and update your WhatsApp to take advantage of the latest features. Stay updated with the latest news and share this list with your friends and family. WhatsApp is always evolving, and you won’t want to miss these amazing updates.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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