Cerro Gomez receives second dose of vaccine against Covid-19 in Fortaleza | Ciara

Cerro Gomez receives second dose of vaccine against Covid-19 in Fortaleza |  Ciara

Serum Gomes (PDT) was vaccinated with the second dose against the novel coronavirus. He received a CoronaVac immunization kit, Sunday morning (16), at the Ceará Events Center in Fortaleza. Cerro Gomez received The first dose was on the third of last April At the Guiomar Arruda Health Center, in the Pirambu district.

“I have received the second dose of the vaccine against Covid! Much feelings and gratitude to the health professionals who are promoting our SUS. I will continue to fight until every Brazilian has the right to be vaccinated as soon as possible. Enough they have lost lives due to a virus that already exists a vaccine!”, He said after That he was vaccinated.

Sunday’s task force boosted the application of CoronaVac to elderly people who were late with a second dose of vaccination. The target audience that was supposed to receive the vaccine two or three weeks ago was only administered the dose on Sunday. More than 36,000 people are expected to receive CoronaVac at the event center.

To ensure immunization against Covid-19, the CoronaVac vaccine, developed at Instituto Butantan, must be applied twice to each person, at an interval of 28 in between each one. However, due to the delay in distributing the immunizations, only many elderly people had received this task force.

One Delayed introduction into vaccine formation, It’s the Butantan has temporarily suspended production of CoronaVac. With the lockdown, no specific date has been set for new doses to arrive and the vaccination campaign continues in the country.

  • Casemiro Filho (Av. Francisco Sa, 6449 – Barra do Ceará)
  • Fernando Fasanha (Rua Rio Tocantins, s / n – Jardim Iracema)
  • Guiomar Arruda (Rua Gal Costa Matos, 06 – Pirambu)
  • Maria Aparecida (Av. K, 915 – Vila Velha)
  • Paulo de Mello (Rua Bernardo Porto, 497 – Monte Castillo)
  • Virgilio Tavora (Av. Mons. Hélio Campos, s / n – Cristo Redentor)
  • Lino Juka (Rua Vila Velha, 101 – Barra de Ciara)
  • Zenirton Pereira da Silva (R. José Roberto Sáles, 475 – Barra do Ceará)
  • Aida Santos (Rua Trajano de Medeiros, 813 – Vicente Pinzón)
  • Bendetto Arthur de Carvallo (Rua Jaime Lionel, 228 – Luciano Cavalcante)
  • Flávio Marcílio (Avenida Abolição, 4180 – Mucuripe)
  • Free Tito (Rua José Claudio Costa Lima, 100 – Praia do Futuro)
  • Sister Hercilia (Rua Fray Vidal, 1821 – São João do Taube)
  • Rigoberto Romero (Rua Alameda das Graviolas 195 – City 2000)
  • Sandra Maria Faustino (Rua Josias Paula de Souza, s / n – Vicente Pinzón)
  • Anastasio Magalhaes (Rua delmero de Farias, 1679 – Rodolfo Teofilo)
  • Cesare Calse de Oliveira (Rua Pernambuco, 3172 – Beachy)
  • Eliezer Stoddart (Rua Tomáz Cavalcante, 546 – Autran Nunes)
  • Umberto Pizera (Rua Hugo Vitor, 51 – Antonio Pizera)
  • Ivana País (Rua Virgílio Brígido, s / n – Presidente Kennedy)
  • Licínio Nunes (Rua 06, s / n – Quintino Cunha)
  • Luis Recamond (Rua Maria Quintella, 935 – Bonsuceso)
  • Mariosa Silva (Rua Araca, 440 – bonsuceso)
  • Hermene Littau (Rua General Cotto, 470 – Quintino Cunha)
  • Valdemar Alcantara (Rua Silveira Filho, 903 – Jóquei Clube)
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  • Antonio Siriaco (Rua Gomez Brazil, 555 – Parangaba)
  • Dom Aloysio Lorschieder (Roa Beetle, 1895 – Itaberry)
  • Francisco Montero (Av. Dos Eucaliptos, s / n – Dendê)
  • Gotardo Picoto (Rua Irma Bazette, 153- Damas)
  • José Valdevino (Rua Guará, s / n – Itaoca)
  • Gothenburg Brown (Rua Munsenhor Agostino, 505 – Villa Berry)
  • Roberto Bruno (Avenida borges de Milo, 910 – Fatima)
  • Abner Cavalcante (Rua Joanna Battista, 471 – Boom Jardim)
  • Argeu Hebster (Rua Geraldo Barbosa, 1095 – Bom Jardim)
  • Guarany Mont’Alverne (Rua Geraldo Barbosa, 3230 – Granja Lisboa)
  • Jose Eliseo (Rua Juvêncio Sales, s / n – Aracapé)
  • José Galba de Araújo (Av. Sen. Fernandes Távora, 3161 – Genibaú)
  • Jurandir Picanço (Rua Duas Nações, s / n – Granja Portugal)
  • Maciel de Brito (Av. A, s / n – 1st stage – Conjunto Ceará)
  • Pedro Celestino (Rua Gusto Gusto, 215 – Marabunga)
  • Pontes Neto (Rua 541, 150 – Second Stage – Conjunto Ceará)
  • Regina Maria Severino (Rua Itatiaia, 889 – Canendezino)
  • Regis Juca (Av I, 618 – Mondubim)
  • Siqueira (Av. Eng. Luís Montenegro, 485 – Siqueira)
  • Vivian Benevides (Rua João regions, 1296 – Manuel Satiro)
  • Graciliano Muniz (Rua 106, 345 – Conjunto Esperança)
  • Acricio Eufrasino (Palmeiras dos Indos-Piedras Street intersection)
  • Alarico Leite (Av. Dos Paroaras, 301 – Passaré)
  • Janeval de Almeida (Rua Coelho Garcia, 25 – Pasar)
  • Jose Barros (Rua Jose Nogueira, 180 – Piedras)
  • Matos Dorado (Av. Desembargador Floriano Benevides, 391 – Edson Queiroz)
  • Evandro Ayres (Av. Castelo de Castro, s / n – Conjunto Palmeiras)
  • Galba de Arajo (Av. Recreio, 1390 – Lagoa Redonda)
  • Louis Franklin (Rua Alexandre Vieira, s / n – Coaçu)
  • Maria Graciela (Rua Edisio Monteiro, 1450 – Santa Fe)
  • Marcus Aurelio (Rua Iracema, 1100 – Santa Filomena)
  • Osmar Viana (Av. Chiquinha Gonzaga, s / n – Jangurussu)
  • Ottone Cardoso (Rua José Teixeira Costa, 643 – Baobina)
  • Jangurussu (Rua Estrada do Itaperi, 146 – Passaré)
  • Teresinaha Parente (Rua Nelson Coelho, 209 – Lagoa Redonda)
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  • Dr. Losmar Veras Rodriguez Polyclinic – Av. Lineu Machado, 155 – Jóquei Clube (Women’s Hospital Facility)
  • Clinic Dr. Luis Carlos Fontinelli – Av. Juscelino Kubischeck, 5495 – Passaré
  • Clinic of Dr. José Eloy da Costa Filho – Av. Osório de Paiva, 2466 – Bonsucesso
  • Vaccination centers

Driving and reception points for vaccinations, to serve both elderly people who have a car and those who use other means of transportation:

  • Castelau Square
  • Events center
  • Rio Mar Fortaleza Shopping Center (BAPICO)
  • Sissy Parangaba

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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