Cancer of the king and cancer of the commoners

Cancer of the king and cancer of the commoners

Praise for the decision King Charles III To make your own Cancer diagnosis It was unanimous among experts.

+ King Charles III treats cancer, says Buckingham Palace

The king not only broke the tradition of the royal family, which has always kept health matters private, but also drew attention to a disease that is diagnosed in 1,000 Britons every day.

Although it was confirmed that King Charles III had “a type of cancer,” the Buckingham Palace statement did not provide further details, but there are several indications that the disease was “detected early,” in the words of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

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Detecting this or other diseases at an early stage is only possible for those who have the habit and are able to undergo regular checks, something that is increasingly difficult in the UK public health system.

I paused this message to call the health center and request an appointment with my doctor. There are only vacancies until the end of March.

In the UK, you must go to a GP at the clinic where you are registered to access tests and specialists. Only urgent cases are dealt with more quickly.

In the case of cancer, 35% of Britons wait more than 62 days to start treatment on the NHS, UK SUS.

This information was revealed by The Guardian newspaper. The goal is for 15% of patients to wait longer than two months.

Buckingham Palace has not confirmed whether the king is receiving treatment from the NHS or a private institution. Whatever the choice, Charles III would receive better and faster treatment than the vast majority of his subjects.

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Official statement from the Royal Family regarding King Charles' cancer diagnosis | Reproduction/Buckingham Palace/Facebook

Charles III's cancer was discovered while he was undergoing surgery on his prostate, and the palace confirmed it was not the organ affected by cancer.

As soon as the news broke, the NHS website recorded a significant increase in searches for information about this type of tumor, which disproportionately affects the male population. There was a search every five seconds.

Many of those who remain in doubt will not be able to schedule an appointment for a rapid test. Many who detect cancer, in the prostate or other organs, will not start treatment within the time recommended by doctors because there is not enough structure or specialists to do so.

1 in 5 people may develop cancer

The king's decision revealed a problem affecting millions of people.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), linked to the World Health Organization (WHO), estimates that there will be 20 million new cases and 9.7 million deaths in 2022. 1 in 5 people will develop cancer during their lifetime.

Charles III's cancer diagnosis proves that no one is free from this evil, but at the same time it reminds us that even in one of the richest countries in the world, like the United Kingdom, the chances of treatment and survival are not equal. Among cancer victims. Very few people will get the royal treatment.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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