Brave, Renata Vasconcelos did what even a BDBR anchor would do

Brave, Renata Vasconcelos did what even a BDBR anchor would do

Renata Vasconcelos took a position that no one expected

Journal Nacional anchor next to William BonnerAnd Renata Vasconcelos She is one of the greatest representatives of the female category in the Brazilian press. Extremely professional and efficient at what she does, the caller leaves nothing to wish for when in front of Globo cameras.

However, last Monday (09), the broadcaster broke protocol on the press bench and took a position that Heraldo Pereira, from Bom dia Brasil, did not have the courage. It all happened when the journalist and Bonner talked about the invasion of the Three Powers arenas, in Brasilia, last weekend.

William Bonner began by breaking the traditional protocol of the Journal National and showing his disdain for the actions of the vandals. “Brazil started the week under the influence of the shocking events yesterday in Brasilia,” began the marina.

The journalist noted in a provocative tone that “Brazilian democracy is looking for those responsible for terrorism.” “Who encouraged vandals to loot public property to create chaos,” added Renata Vasconcelos, who became a topic on social media.

William Bonner and Renata Vasconcelos at the Journal Nacional (reproduction: Globo)

the reason? It turned out that while Renata Vasconcelos called the protesters “vandals”, Heraldo Pereira classified them as protesters. The reporter’s speech came when he disclosed the federal police convoy with about 1,200 people in front of the army’s headquarters, in Brasília.

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The demobilization process has just started by the Federal Police in the Federal District. This place is the military sector of Brasília, and it is from this place that the demonstrators left the Three Powers Square on Sunday,” commented the presenter of Bom Dia Brasil.

Heraldo Pereira - Photo: Reproduction
Heraldo Pereira – Photo: Reproduction

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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