Boninho thanks the artists for the performances in the final: “Respect”

Boninho thanks the artists for the performances in the final: “Respect”

Boninho stated that there was no “prior agreement” of the artists participating in theBBB 21 “He will perform in the final. Pocah, Projotta, Carol Conca and Rodolfo will perform during the final program of the season.

Guys, there is no deal with the people who sing today. It is affection and respect for those warriors who made 100 Days of Big Brother. We all respect them and have great affection for them.

In Instagram stories, the director of “BBB 21” indicated that he is grateful not only to the singers, but also to the other participants who accepted the challenge of participating in reality. He stressed that “it is not an easy thing.”

We support them and want the best for everyone, despite all the fights and the fire in the field, what matters is that these men are brave to be with us. So, there is no agreement. It is respect for everyone.

Participants in the “BBB21” program meet in a hotel for the final reality. Rodolfo appeared on social media a He was reunited with Caio, Sarah, Arthur and Projota in one of the rooms.

Now, our coverage of BBB 21 Also on Telegram! to sign up , Access this link Or search for Splash UOL – BBB21 in the app. When you find the channel, just press “enter” or “join” and that’s it, you will daily receive the main news of the final extension of reality.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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