Bolsonaro is objecting to extending the income tax return until July 31 – 05/05/2021 – Market

Bolsonaro is objecting to extending the income tax return until July 31 – 05/05/2021 – Market

President Jair Bolsonaro (Without Party) On Wednesday (5) I opposed the bill that extended the deadline for Submit an income tax return Until July 31 this year. Accordingly, May 31 is kept as the deadline for filing accounts with the Federal Revenue Service.

According to Planalto Palace, the extension proposal – the measure was approved in Congress – was rejected because it caused an imbalance in the flow of resources, which could affect the ability to preserve taxpayers’ refunds, as well as bargaining with the tax collection of federal entities.

Earlier, the Economy Ministry announced that it had requested Bolsonaro The right to veto the conference proposal That would delay the delivery of the declaration and the payment of the first installment of income tax.

The initial deadline for submitting the announcement for fiscal year 2020 was April 31, but was extended to the following month by the IRS due to the novel coronavirus pandemic.

In a statement released, the Economy Ministry said the new postponement would affect the collection process and even measures linked to Covid-19, such as emergency aid – but did not explain why this would happen.

Bill 639, by Rep. Rubens Bueno (Citizenship-PR), was approved by Congress in April, and the deadline for Bolsonaro’s sanction, or veto, expires on Wednesday.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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