The Bolsa Atleta beneficiary list, which this year reached the highest mark in the history of the program, has already appeared, with 7,197 athletes benefiting from Olympic and Paralympic sports in the 2020/2021 notice. Estimated annual investment is R $ 97.6 million. The list will be published in the Official Gazette (DOU) for this Thursday (13).
According to the Federal Government, 7,529 applications were received, and 95.6 per cent of this total were approved, of which 4,121 were men and 3,076 were women. The Minister of Citizenship, João Roma, highlighted the importance of the government in promoting national sport.
The Bolsa Atleta program helps athletes financially so that they can devote themselves exclusively to the sport they play, and thus participate in competitions. To participate in the program, it is necessary to have high performance in the sports that make up the programs of the Olympic and Paralympic Games, as well as non-Olympic styles.
It is important to remember that everyone on the list must sign the term of commitment online by June 11, to complete the legal formalities before they start paying the benefits. The educational program that teaches you how to complete the document is available on the website of the Ministry of Citizenship.
* Under the supervision of Nadia Fagiani