Bluetooth is a thing of the past! Scientists invent a new way to transfer data

Bluetooth is a thing of the past!  Scientists invent a new way to transfer data

Use Bluetooth As a method of data transfer, it became popular all over the world, at the same time that smartphones were gaining popularity. However, this technology has everything to become a thing of the past.

Scientists from the University of Sussex, in United kingdomHe invented a new method that promises to transfer data without having to use Bluetooth, whether on mobile phones or other devices.

The new technology was called “electric field modulation”. It mainly uses electrical waves instead of electromagnetic waves, and as a result, short-distance data transmission uses less energy and becomes more efficient.

High expectations for improvement

Scientists from the UK have created a revolutionary way to send data – Image: Internet/Reproduction.

Expectations surrounding the invention are high, as it is even capable of improvement Battery life Of items such as headphones and trackers.

Other than that, this new feature is expected to open up possibilities for interacting with smart home devices.

Thus, it will be possible, for example, to exchange phone numbers by shaking hands or when opening a door by touching the handle. Are you surprised?


“Electric field modulation” has a number of advantages. The method is great, including Technologies Wearable devices, i.e. those created to be used as accessories or for contact with the body.

Scientists at the University of Sussex, for example, have proven that this technology is effective when integrated into headphones.

The quality, in some cases, still needs to be improved to match Bluetooth performance, but the advantages that have already been highlighted tend to attract quick attention from the audience, such as ensuring better performance of the devices.

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Looking for financing

To make the application of technology a reality, investment is necessary. Researchers are looking for partnerships and investors to develop the project and be able to commercialize the new product.

The positive point that can further influence the success of this new method is that its application is low-cost and can be performed quickly and at a reasonable cost.

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About the Author: Osmond Blake

"Web geek. Wannabe thinker. Reader. Freelance travel evangelist. Pop culture aficionado. Certified music scholar."

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