BBB24: After Rodriginho's elimination, Daffy puts new targets on the wall and fires: “My target is here”; Watch (Reproduction/Globoplay)
New week, new game! On Wednesday morning (28), after Rodriginho's elimination, Davi set his next goals for BBB 24. He also named the participant who would run him straight to the wall, if he won the top spot. On the tactical board inside the academy, Bahian also chose his allies in the game.
Daffy designed the board with his new strategy and placed the avatars of Isabelle, Beatrice, Alain, and Matthews next to him as allies. Already above the puppets representing MC Bin Laden, Lucas Henrique, Michel, Wanessa Camargo, Yasmin Brunet and Fernanda, the brother has separated the sword and the poison emoji.
Later, by placing his avatar on top with the leader's crown, Davey indicated who he could vote for. “If I were captain, I would put the bracelet on Ben. My goal is here.”He announced, moving the dolls of the funk player Lucas, Fernanda and Wanessa. “The four are in the crosshairs”reinforced.
It didn't take long for Daffy to choose the voice of “Tá Tranquilo, Tá Favorável” as the opponent that would send him into the hot seat without a chance to save himself. “I'm going to send this straight to the wall, no going back and forth.”“, said the app driver. After determining the next moves in the game, he rearranged the avatars and left the gym. He watches:
Davi sends new goals to the wall after Rodriginho's elimination pic.twitter.com/1TTRJPBEyD
– WWLBD ✌🏻 (@whatwouldlbdo) February 28, 2024
Throughout the morning, Daffy and Isabelle came up with theories. Upon entering the room, the two noticed the screen that contained part of the library's decor and some of the rooms were closed, and they were surprised. “What is this, David?”The Amazonian fired up when she found the photo. “Without warning, by surprise, suddenly”“The Bahian replied.
“Is there any sign? The confessional is closed, the warehouse is closed. That's it? Could it be, David?”the opposite of being. “Now you've scared me”-The driver admitted the application. “Why is that shelf over there? It's some shelf. Let me see…”The sister continued. Just take a look:
They started thinking of something at home. 👀 #BBB24 #ReadyBBB pic.twitter.com/ECbD6ZYrIC
– Big Brother Brazil (@bbb) February 28, 2024
They keep looking for something in the house. 👀 #BBB24 #ReadyBBB pic.twitter.com/zJlT3Sx8Gw
– Big Brother Brazil (@bbb) February 28, 2024
David, Isabel and the Mystery Book. 🔮 👁️👄👁️ #BBB24 #ReadyBBB pic.twitter.com/xac5mWMvzb
– Big Brother Brazil (@bbb) February 28, 2024
Davi and Isabel even considered that the new decoration would be linked to a possible return of Rodriginho. “It was very mysterious, wasn't it? It stayed.”“, said the sister. “Is it the big phone that's going to play? A time like this? Wake up everyone.”Bahian suggested.
It was then revealed that the wall where the previous Travis was located was possibly a fake. “Is Rodriginho the one coming back?”David said while laughing. “Have you ever thought”“Isabelle agreed. look:
Davi continues the chat and comments: “Will Rodriginho come back?” 🗣️ #BBB24 #ReadyBBB pic.twitter.com/9xkHrByGAM
– Big Brother Brazil (@bbb) February 28, 2024