Auxílio Brasil may owe you compensation of R$15,000 and you don’t know it

Auxílio Brasil may owe you compensation of R,000 and you don’t know it

Photography: Marcelo Camargo/Brazil Agency

The Sigilo Institute launches a portal for beneficiaries to check whether personal information has been leaked and whether they are entitled to compensation

The Sigilo Institute, also known as the Brazilian Institute for the Defense of Personal Data Protection, Compliance and Information Security, has launched a web portal with the aim of enabling beneficiaries of the extinct “Auxílio Brasil” program to check whether their personal information has been leaked or not. Whether they are entitled to some compensation.

Instructions for consultation on the Sigello Institute portal

To perform verification, recipients must access Institute website And select the “Check if you’re eligible” option at the top of the page.

Verification requires entering data such as full name, email address, CPF number and phone number, as well as agreeing to the terms of the site’s privacy policy and terms of use.

Auxílio Brasil: Possibility of legal challenge

In September, the federal judiciary decided that each person affected by the data leak related to “Auxílio Brasil” should receive compensation in the amount of R$15,000.

However, it is important to note that this decision is still subject to potential legal challenges, which means payment is not guaranteed.

“Auxílio Brasil” and the new Bolsa Família programme

The Auxílio Brasil program was launched in 2021 during the administration of President Jair Bolsonaro, and was later closed in 2023, when President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva reintroduced the Bolsa Família program with updated guidelines.

Compensation for data leakage in Auxílio Brasil is not immediate

The check reveals whether the person is included in the database allegedly hacked and whether they are eligible for compensation.

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However, it is important to note that this does not mean immediate payment, as the process is still ongoing.

According to the institute, the main goal of the portal is to inform people whether they are entitled to compensation and allow them to express their interest in the process.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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