Approved debt installments for the bronze account on

Approved debt installments for the bronze account on

The federal government announced that people who have a bronze level account on the platform can now pay their debts in installments on the website. Open Brazil. Until then, members of this category were only allowed to see debts and negotiation proposals, but had to pay the amount in cash.

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The decision aims to expand the scope of benefiting from the benefits of the renegotiation program, such as discounts of more than 90% on the value and installments over a period of up to 60 months without a down payment. This change shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Federation and shall take effect immediately.

Another new feature in the rules will allow access to the Desenrola platform from sites and applications that citizens are familiar with, such as banks and renegotiation portals. After integration, users browsing partner channels can be redirected to the software platform upon login.

Nearly 11.5 million consumers have already benefited from Desenrola, totaling more than R$34 billion in negotiated debt. Discounts can reach up to 96% and are available until March 31, while the average discount is up to 83%.

important information

Negotiations remain open to the public only in Track 1, which covers people with incomes up to the minimum wage or registered with CadÚnico (the Consolidated Register of Federal Programs). The debt must amount to R$20,000 and be written off between January 2019 and December 2022.

The system makes offers to renegotiate bank debts (credit cards, loans, etc.) and non-bank debts (energy, water, phone, etc.).

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“A great advantage of the program for those who have two or more debts that appears on the Desenrola screen is the ability to consolidate all debts and make a single renegotiation, pay in cash in a single invoice or PIX, or finance the total amount in the bank in preferable installments,” explains Alexandre Ferreira, General Coordinator of the Economy. Legislation at the Ministry of Finance stipulates that this facility helps in financial regulation for those who have several debts with different creditors, for example.

With the expansion of the benefits offered to users with a bronze profile on, about 13 million people will be able to pay their debts in installments more easily. The process will be carried out using the digital website provided by the program operator.

It is worth noting that the renegotiation of values ​​through Desenrola does not make citizens lose social benefits or reduce the chances of agreeing to programs such as Bolsa Família. Despite the rumor circulating on the networks, it is false information.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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