Anitta and MC Daniel were seen saying goodbye in the parking lot after going to the movies

Anitta and MC Daniel were seen saying goodbye in the parking lot after going to the movies

Photo: Instagram

Anita was seen bidding farewell to MC Daniel after enjoying a movie with the singer. According to information received from Extra newspaper, the two were invited to attend the premiere of the film Bob Marley: One Love in Rio de Janeiro, last Thursday night, the 15th.

The two met in the parking lot after leaving the session separately. Before leaving, they let the singer inside the car while she was outside talking through the window.

The singer remained standing next to the car with a friend while chatting and kissing the funk singer goodbye. The car reported that they were in an intimate mood and earlier, the singer shared a selfie with Anita on social media at the session for the guests.

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After the photo was published, doubts about the possibility of a romantic relationship between the two artists dominated the Internet.

MC Daniel and Anitta's presence at the film's exclusive guest session attracted attention, especially due to the intimate atmosphere between them.

“They're staying, I think so,” one netizen confirmed. “After I discovered how good it is to be with a friend, I never stopped. Try it, I recommend it,” another advised. “That's not possible (laughs),” declared another.

Source: Redacao Terra

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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