Amy Lee, of Evancens, tastes the Jumbo Cachaça: “The sensation and flavor are something unique!” ‘I loved it!’ | to

Amy Lee, of Evancens, tastes the Jumbo Cachaça: “The sensation and flavor are something unique!”  ‘I loved it!’  |  to

Amy Lee receives a Jumbo Cachaca from a Para fan and posts praise for the Amazon drink – Image: Reproduction

Jumbo was a favorite of Evancens, an American metal band touring Brazil. On social media, singer Amy Lee on Sunday (22) posted a photo of a bottle of Jumbo Cachaça, a drink from the Amazon region that is famous for causing a tingling sensation on the lips. “It’s something completely unique and I love it! The feel and the flavour, wow! Thank you, Amanda!”, declared the rocker. Many thanks to Amanda Haber from Pará, who brought the bottle from Belem and delivered it to her idol in São Paulo.

Amanda, center, wearing glasses, together with friends at the show at SP: Fans invested more than R$20,000 to follow the band’s entire tour in Brazil – Photo: Personal Archive/Amanda Haber

Considered a symbol of Pará gastronomy, this drink combines cachaça and jumbo, a plant of Amazonian origin that leaves a slightly narcotic effect in the mouth. Jumbo can be easily found in fairs and local markets in Belém, is sold in packages and is widely used in regional cuisine, becoming an essential ingredient in the preparation of typical dishes such as takaka and duck in Tucupi.

Jumbo: leaves and flowers are used in Amazonian cuisine – Photo: Belem City Hall

Amanda says she bought the bottle in Belém, when she visited her hometown during the Serio dei Nazaré, the first Sunday in October. “I bought several souvenirs from Barra to give to my friends. I came up with the idea of ​​taking a bottle to Amy Lee,” he says.

Amanda was able to make it to the sound check that took place before the official show in São Paulo, at Allianz Parque. Along with friends and other fans of the band, the woman from Para appears in a selfie taken by the North American singer. – Image: Reproduction

The woman from Pará says she has had the opportunity to speak with her favorite star on several occasions, having had the happy coincidence of meeting the band on a plane during the tour. Moreover, Amanda had access to the sound check that took place before the official show in São Paulo, at Allianz Parque. Along with friends and other fans of the band, the woman from Para took a group photo with the North American singer. That’s when he managed to talk to Amy and handed over the bottle with a note telling him about the jumbo drink.

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“In the note, I explained that it was a drink from my city in the Amazon, that it left your mouth tingling, and that even if they didn’t drink alcohol, they should try it because it was a unique experience.” He says.

After the show, this Sunday (22), she met the band on the plane to Rio de Janeiro.

“I met Amy on the plane and she said she loved the drink and made everyone try it.”

Amanda says that Evancens has been her favorite band since she was a teenager, and that she has traveled to Europe and the United States to see the group perform. Upon learning about the tour in Brazil, the die-hard fan invested more than R$20,000 in airline tickets and tickets to all six Evanescent shows in the country: São Paulo, Curitiba, Belo Horizonte, Rio de Janeiro and Recife. “Is this something out of reality? Yes…but I worked hard to be able to do this,” says the woman from Pará, who lives in Curitiba, where she works in the tourism sector. “It was a dream come true. We made history!” he celebrates.

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"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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