Amanda complains that her brother is attacking her, and Cara de Sabato declares: “Cutting the line to vote” | party

Amanda complains that her brother is attacking her, and Cara de Sabato declares: “Cutting the line to vote” |  party

Amanda and Cara De Sabato Criticize Brother’s Attitude: ‘He Attacks to Defend Himself’

At BBB 23’s Sunday morning party, Amanda and Cara de Sabato talk about Ricardo’s inside the most-watched house in Brazil. “I am very upset,” says the doctor. He asks “what are you talking about?”

“I resent everything, because every time we talk it gets amplified a lot. He attacks to defend himself. In the final argument between them in the bedroom, I opened my mouth to speak well of him. “Easy, I understand you.” Before he spoke, he said, “You keep defending Fredinho.” I would defend him, and he would attack me.. Do you understand me? ”

Next, the MMA fighter talks about the discussion he had with the bio doctor in the leader’s room the night before. Even there in the bedroom, I was chatting with Mamie and Jimmy. At that moment in the live broadcast, the discussion was about who would be the leader in that discussion. He said: shoes. I said, “Amanda’s going to be the leader. I was once a leader, I’d give it to her. Why did she turn to me and say Flats? Sneaky? He said he was talking about both of them. I said, ‘Amanda has a personality too.’ And Jimmy. I think so, too.”

“At that time I did not notice a particular evil, but I would also talk to him,” the sister highlights. “I will take part in a game of discord. I can’t talk to himBrother says.

Then the doctor returns to say that the biologist increases the proportion of discussions. Attacks when it does not need to defend itself. Anything this big, it amplifies a lot. He starts attacking,” he says. “But who is attacking?” asks the brother.

“He started screaming,” says the doctor. “starts to get greasy”announces the MMA fighter.

Amanda says then that she has been observing biomedical behavior for some time. The MMA fighter then claims that he can target Ricardo in the Paredão formation from now on. “This week he probably won’t vote, because there are too many people ahead of him. But he jumps out of line to vote.”announces the MMA fighter.

Cara de Sabato Analyzes Brother’s Positions: ‘Judgment of the Queue to Vote’

Amanda complains to Cara de Sabato that her brother is attacking her – Photo: Globo

🎧 Key Alves and Gustavo talk about dating outside of BBB 23; He listens!

Saturday, March 11, 2023 Videos Episode “BBB”

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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