Agnaldo Timóteo signed a disputed will a month before his death

Agnaldo Timóteo signed a disputed will a month before his death

Video Agnaldo Timoteo His will was shown on “Spectacular Sunday” last weekend. the singer He passed away in April at the age of 84 from complications from Covid-19.

Backstage, lawyer, singer Sydney Lobo Pedroso, Seems excited and says he signs “no interest”. “My amazing concern has been my daughter since 2008,” he added.

Agnaldo will be leaving half of the inheritance to his adopted daughter Kitty Evelyn, whom he has raised since he was two years old. However, legal adoption is still underway.

For Keyty, 14, to gain access to the inheritance, the adoption is necessary after his death, according to the attorney handling the case, Mara Lucia Vieira Lobo.

Ruth, the artist’s sister, came to compete and contemplate revoking the will, saying he was confused. As for the attorney, everything goes ahead until you respect the will of the singer.

Sidnei Lobo Pedroso went so far as to claim that the Timóteo family did not “get along with the face” of Keyty, who will not be able to shake off his material legacy until he is 40 years old.

According to “Domingo Espetacular”, the ownership of Agnaldo, which includes an apartment in São Paulo and a townhouse in Barra da Tijuca in Rio de Janeiro, is 30 million reais, not to mention the artworks of the singer.

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