After eliminating BBB 22, Jade Picon presents a lively surprise and is considered to be single | BBB22

After eliminating BBB 22, Jade Picon presents a lively surprise and is considered to be single |  BBB22

He received 84.93% of the 22 votes from BBBAnd the Jade Bacon He used his social networks to talk to fans on Wednesday 03/09. “I have a feeling looking back, it was damn magical,” he admitted digital effect.

“It was a hit when I left. I said ‘Damn, I canceled, 84% oh my God, I canceled.'” But I really saw that, you know, I didn’t cancel, it was the options that clicked on it, I wanted to go to the final.”

After an intense course in reality, the businesswoman recalled her adventures in the kitchen, her love of Guava Xepa and her friendship with the captives. You face many questions about how your romantic relationship is Paulo Andrethe former sister ~ who spared no praise for her brother ~ made it clear that she had no intention of creating expectations.

Tiago Abravanel And the Jasmine Brunet They were some of the names that interacted with the previous participant in the live broadcast.

Jasmine Brunet appears on Jade Bacon’s live broadcast – Photo: clone / Instagram

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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