After 44 years of existence, the historic band Bahia abandons Salvador's Carnival and blows up City Hall

After 44 years of existence, the historic band Bahia abandons Salvador's Carnival and blows up City Hall

El Salvador's Carnival gets bigger every year, but it has gradually stopped relying on the participation of traditional supergroups in the celebrations. One example of this is the band Cheiro de Amor, which ended up losing its place in the world's biggest street party, and will only perform one day in the capital of Bahia.

The signing of the B News channel on WhatsApp.

Now, another very traditional group has given up performing at the Salvador Carnival, in 2024. This is the Ara Quito band, currently led by singer Dan Miranda, which completes 44 years of history on March 8th, being one of the oldest bands. Members of Bahian music and a great representative of Axé all over the world.

A statement was released on the band's official Instagram profile titled “We are abandoning performing at Carnival in Salvador in 2024.” In the text, the decision is detailed, the main reason being the delay in the fees offered by the Salvador City Hall.

“After a strange classification in Ouro Negro (which was theoretically supposed to be a program to evaluate blacks in Bahia), we received a proposal to pay a fee for the performance of the Ara Ketu band at the same amount as in 2017, in other words to freeze our services for 7 years.”

The text further explains that representatives of the group were not consulted on a new agreement that would be beneficial to both parties. “We tried to argue, but because of the negative and even insulting response from the city council, we decided to leave El Salvador Carnival. We realized that we had no value here, and that they did not want us here, perhaps because we belong to a black and poor community, a place that is not romanticized at all.” By the mandatory white class in our state/city.”

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Finally, the publication highlights the importance of Ara Kitto to Bahian and national music, and unveils a project of appreciation for the group with the creation of a day focusing on the history of the group. “We have our value. In the year we complete 44 years of history, we will establish Ara Ketu Day, on March 8 (our founding day), to begin the cycle of celebrations for our 45th anniversary.”

Report from B News He attempted to contact the band's representatives to obtain details about the case, but had not received any response as of the publication of this article. The field remains open and the post will be updated if there are responses.

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