A traveler complains online after parents gave their son a tambourine to play with during the flight

A traveler complains online after parents gave their son a tambourine to play with during the flight

A recent video posted on social media is likely to spark controversy. In the pictures (see below)Recorded by a passenger, a boy receiving a tambourine to play during the flight. The recording reportedly took place on a Flair Airlines flight between Calgary and Montreal on October 8th.

Traveling by plane can be a difficult experience for many people, mainly due to limited space and close contact with other passengers. It is essential that all passengers respect other passengers and behave in a way that ensures the peace of mind and comfort of everyone on board.

In this context, the inclusion of musical instruments, such as a tambourine, in an enclosed environment such as an airplane could be considered a lack of consideration for other passengers.

The noise and vibrations generated by the tambourine can be annoying and cause discomfort to some people, especially during long trips. Furthermore, loud and continuous music can interfere with the comfort and peace of mind for passengers looking to relax or work during the flight.

It’s important to remember that everyone has their own musical preferences and noise tolerance levels. Ultimately, a balance must be struck between personal satisfaction and respect for space and the rights of other occupants. When traveling, it is everyone’s responsibility to act with consideration, compassion and mutual respect, creating an enjoyable environment for everyone on board.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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