A snake falls from the ceiling onto an IV pole in a health unit in Goiás | Goiás

A snake falls from the ceiling onto an IV pole in a health unit in Goiás |  Goiás

A snake fell from the ceiling of a health unit in the rural area of ​​Crixas

A snake fell from the ceiling onto the IV pole that a patient was using at a municipal health center in Crexas, northwest of the state. According to patient Sandra Santos, when she heard that there was a snake near the intravenous entrance, she thought it was a joke, but when she saw the animal she felt very afraid.

“They shouted, ‘Look at the snake in the vein.’ I thought it was a joke. When I looked to the side and saw him looking at me, it was a really scary sight. I wanted to run away, but I couldn’t.” “It was an enormous fear,” Sandra told Anhanguera TV.

The incident occurred last Thursday (23). Sandra, a hairdresser, said that after the animal was found, everyone rushed to look for someone who could help in this unusual situation. A neighbor was found, knocked the snake off the platform and killed it.

The patient is surprised by a snake in Crixas' vein – Photo: Reproduction/TV Anhanguera

The patient also said that less than a year ago, she saw another snake in the same health unit, when she left the medicine room.

The hairdresser said: “She left the medical room, went to another room and was already close to the door, so she screamed.”

Hey g1 She requested a position from the Crixas Health Department, but had not received a response as of this report's last update.

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"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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