A planet in danger: Scientists say the climate emergency on Earth has reached alarming levels

The report on the planet’s vital health has been prepared by more than 14,000 experts from around the world and will be published in the journal BioScience. The data point to record levels of methane and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, gases that contribute to increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.

Another point of concern for scientists is the level of glaciers and ice in the Arctic, which has never been lower compared to the temperatures recorded in the oceans, which are very high.

“The weather is behaving in horrific and unexpected ways,” Tim Linton, director of the World Systems Institute at the University of Exeter, told AFP, highlighting how global warming, heavy rains and water crises are increasingly spreading across the world due to elements such as deforestation in the Amazon And other phenomena caused by humanity to exploit the planet’s resources.

Finally, William Ripple of Oregon State University commented:

We need to stop treating the climate emergency as an independent issue – global warming is not the only symptom of a stressed Earth system.

Thus, Ripple emphasized that the main cause of the climate crisis that the planet is going through at this time is the aggravating and unaccountable exploitation of natural resources, which leads to pollution of the environment causing various imbalances, and consequently changes in the climate, which are intensifying.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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