A cat jumps from the 5th floor and escapes from the USA fire | Scientist

A cat jumps from the 5th floor and escapes from the USA fire |  Scientist

A safe cat survived – and even ran – after jumping off the fifth floor of a building to escape a fire in Chicago, Friday (14). This feat can be seen in a video posted by the firefighters (watch above).

Firefighters were filming the process of extinguishing the fires when a black cat came out of smoke in a broken window. Then she “tested” the environment with her front legs before jumping.

Fortunately, she survived a wall collision, fell on all four legs, “bounced” and ran, apparently, just frightened, but without injuries.

Fire Department spokesman Larry Langford said the cat hid under his car until it calmed down, but then returned and tried to climb the wall to get back inside the building. Langford added that he was looking for cat owners.

The spokesman said the fire was confined to an apartment, and the cause had not been investigated. No one is hurt.

According to biologists, cats have developed the instinct to sense which side is the downside, something similar to the mechanism humans use to achieve balance. So if you have enough time – depending on the height you are jumping from or falling from – you can roll your body and place your feet under your body, and in doing so, fall on your feet.

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About the Author: Lucas Moreno

"Proud explorer. Freelance social media expert. Problem solver. Gamer."

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