It’s not hard to find the second giraffe in 15 seconds, but not many people can

It’s not hard to find the second giraffe in 15 seconds, but not many people can

Today’s challenge is very clear: you need to find the second giraffe in the picture. Only this, but on one condition. One has to locate the hidden item within just 15 seconds.

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Your gaze must be very sharp and your mind alert in order to be able to locate the second giraffe. Some people continued to care even after 15 seconds had passed and hadn’t gotten the test answer.

Rules for finding giraffe in the photo challenge

Photo: BuzzFeed

If you are interested in solving the picture challenge, check out the rules to be able to find the giraffe correctly:

Rule 1 – The first thing to do is set the countdown timer – set it to 15 seconds, because that’s the exact time in the test;
Rule 2 – Start the timer as soon as you open the image and start looking for the giraffe;
Rule 3 – Don’t keep reading until you find the animal or until you give up the challenge;
Rule 4 – Don’t look for the answer on other internet sites.
Now that you know what the rules are, just set your eyes on the illustration and find the giraffe hidden in it.

Where is the second giraffe in the picture?

The 15 seconds are already up and you can’t find the second giraffe in the picture? Well, the time is short to complete the test, but it is possible to solve it within the given time frame. However, you need some practice with perception challenges to be successful in answering them.

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To find the missing giraffe, you need two things: a creative mind and knowledge of the English language. This is because the second animal is a word. It is the term “giraffe” (the English name for the species) written in the black dots on the neck of the animal shown in the photo.

Share the challenge with your friends and see if anyone else was able to solve the problem in the initial given time. Few people manage to have such a creative mind.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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