Valentine’s Day has good energies in the sky for signs

Valentine’s Day has good energies in the sky for signs

Love is in the air this Valentine’s Day! And the star of the day too, Makrisi and Makrisi. So let’s find out what the stars have in store for this exciting premiership. To start on the right foot, the Moon and Mars form a trine, at 9:35 AM, promising to send away any trace of boredom, stagnation, sameness, and inertia. Relying on excellent physical and emotional strength, high doses of courage and daring, dynamism, agility and attitude, you tend to take initiatives and achieve success. Already her amazing presence has everything that easily captivates people. Energy is also good for risking your luck and performing a feat, after all, the chances of doing well are great.

The Aries Moon continues to send powerful stimuli the rest of Valentine’s Day, encouraging you to make decisions and act. Your independent and proactive side promises to be in good standing, a sign that you shouldn’t wait for help or goodwill from others to do what you want and get what you want. However, in matters of the heart, you tend to go to excesses in daring and merriment. If you already have a lover to enjoy Valentine’s Day together, I see here that you can skip some stages of the celebration and go straight to the end. The weather must be on fire! Is it free? Everything indicates that there will be interest in one (or more!) new crushes and he will throw himself into a bubbling, bubbling connection. As Chitãozinho & Xororó sing, “Love is made of feelings”.

Valentine’s Day with the Aryan Moon in the sky –

Photo: Shutterstock/Joao Bedou

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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