Boninho turns “BBB 23” into “A Fazenda” against Deserto Federation IV

Boninho turns “BBB 23” into “A Fazenda” against Deserto Federation IV

The production of “BBB 23” entered the heap of rumor pages, mostly members of the Mynd8 agency, who want to destroy the fourth desert. Lieutenant Colonel Tadeo Schmidt announced Thursday evening (3/30) that the wall next to “BBB” will imitate “A Fazenda”. That is, the audience will vote for who they want to stay in the show and not for who they want to be deposed, as has always happened.

The case study draws attention to the offense of the biggest novelty of the release, namely the formation of a spontaneous bloc of fans of the members of the fourth band Deserto, which was conceived to counter the campaign of hate of the gossip pages, which act as a kind of “mafia”, because they share the same agency and defend common interests. On “BBB 21”, Mynd8 managed to score second, third and fourth places, but Cactus ignored the gossip professionals’ attacks against Juliet to make her the champion.

This phenomenon was repeating itself in a different way on “BBB 23”, with the union of the four supporters of Deserto members, in a reinforcement to counter the media massacre. Mirroring the sisterhood of sisters, this partnership of supporters is the biggest news of the edition. Competing against Mynd8 agents, who were praised several times during the day by the group’s pages and the celebrities hired by the group – including synergizing with each other – Deserto fans overcame the power of the high investment by saving Bruna Griphao and eliminating Gabriel Santana on Last Tuesday ( 28/2).

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This result angered popular columnists. One of them even recorded a video of an angry person swearing at the show’s audience.

A day later, Boninho announced the news of the “reverse vote”, which was confirmed by Thadeaux Schmidt on Thursday.

Note that the traditional, for elimination, vote facilitates the concentration of votes from different supporters’ clubs on the same opponent. Thus, the goal of change-to-save is to divide supporters. If two Desert Team members go together, the fan clubs will split, eliminating teams this year. This strengthens Mynd8 candidates, such as the supposed Fred Nicácio and Domitila Barros, quoted by the Central Reality page, from the Mynd8 group, in a post about their celebration of being in the same agency.

The media giant’s candidates are leading millionaire marketing, which encourages hate to win, in an unequal battle against a homemade operation for the masses.

Boninho preferred to stand by the money rather than embrace the novelty and passion of the fans, which the gossip pages are dedicated to upsetting his plans.

The movement was already being noticed this week, when “BBB 23” didn’t show conversations in Almoço do Anjo or a summary of the discord game for the first time in the release. And that’s exactly what I’m trying to interrupt an important conversation on Discord with commercials, and on the way back the show goes on air with a sister crying and hugging. The announcer tried to pretend nothing happened.

Coincidentally, all of these moments have scratched the image of Domitilla Barros. Furthermore, on the day the Discord feed would traditionally be shown, a video glorification, or roughly beatification, of the same Domitila was broadcast.

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Domitilla’s protection week also coincided with veiled attacks on Larissa, her biggest opponent in the game. As if it wasn’t enough to obscure the sister’s conversations with Miss Germany, the production inserted Twitter messages on screen with negative references to the teacher, the biggest casualty of the version’s masculinity — a fact that the producers also dealt with as if it hadn’t happened.

The change in voting would be another precaution, as Domitilla’s name was once again broadcast on the wall.

Changing the game internally, with different dynamics, even if it was conceived to culminate in a certain outcome, was the rule of liberation. But tampering with voting is new. Reverse voting was used only in the “BBB” of the false wall, and Boninho’s decision to change the rules of the game, in the final phase, reveals the cascading effect of the procedure.

So far, those locked in have not been notified of the change, which came to light at a time when Decherto IV was likely to have two simultaneous filters on the wall. If they win again, the matchup with Mynd8’s group will be in the deep sea, making it even more difficult to replicate this unfavorable desert formation.

The moment chosen for the change signed by Boninho emphasizes the production strategy. And also, unfortunately, puts “BBB” in the credibility level of “A Fazenda”.

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About the Author: Gillian Hall

"Award-winning zombie guru. Entrepreneur. Incurable tv aficionado. Web scholar. Coffee advocate. Total internet lover. Bacon expert."

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