4 days work week is gaining ground in companies

4 days work week is gaining ground in companies

In some countries, companies have rethought the traditional business model. Shorter weeks – with 4-day working days – and no pay cut are already a reality in Iceland, Belgium, New Zealand, Spain, Japan and Portugal.

See how the 4-day workday can benefit employees

Photo: Jacob Lund | Shutterstock/EdiCase portal

Shorter working hours reduce stress levels

In Iceland, research by Autonomy (a study group on the future of work in the UK) and the Icelandic Society for Sustainability and Democracy has shown that reducing working hours can improve the well-being and productivity of employees, as well as lower levels of stress. pressure and burnout.

In the study, which was supported by the country’s government, the work week of more than 2,500 people in 100 companies was reduced from 40 to 35 hours, without any pay cut. Testing showed no real loss in productivity or quality of services.

Companies in Brazil are already adopting a 4-day shift

In Brazil, three-day rest weeks are becoming a reality for some startups. Recruitment manager Andrea Deiss, who is also a professor and specialist in neuroscience with a focus on organizational and human development, emphasizes that this work dynamic offers a series of benefits to the worker.

Increase chances life balance Personal and professional. space [de tempo] To decompress, “lists. An extra day off, also according to Andrea Dees, gives the employee the possibility to seek knowledge.” This space favors waking up to new things, capable of making you more creative, innovative, and productive,” signs.

Benefits for the contracting company

The benefits of shortening the workday aren’t just for employees. On the contrary, it also provides advantages to the construction company.

“More creative, less stressed workers who will value the quality of their deliveries more. Better use of costs (if reducing rework is implemented well), more people being engaged and more satisfied with their work.” WorkersAndrea Deis says.

If done well and aligned, warns the professional, this reduction in man-hours “will have a positive return not only on profit, but also on process innovation. If done poorly, it will have a higher cost for a smaller operation.”

Preserving the income of workers

Andrea Des explains that for this way of working to work, people need to change their habits and behaviors. “It will be necessary to do a better job in less time, which will require more awareness about the use of time and resources,” he says.

For this business model to be implemented satisfactorily, she adds, “there has to be a change in the communication cultureevaluation, performance, monitoring and especially leadership.”

Legally, there is nothing to prevent the reduction of the weekly working day to 4 days in Brazil

Photo: Branislav Ninen | Shutterstock/EdiCase portal

Can a 4-day Brazil trip work?

In Brazil, for a 4-day work week to work in more companies, functional manager Andrea Deis believes that some The mentality changes.

“There is a lack of availability and willingness to change and to believe and make it happen as well [vontade] To break some taboos of hierarchical and procedural control and tyranny,” he says.

For her, it is necessary to change that, “establishing a relationship of trust, giving autonomy and responsibility to the collaborator, demanding delivery, not working hours.”

What do brazilian laws say

Legally, there is nothing to prevent the reduction of the weekly working day to 4 days in Brazil. “The Standardization of Employment Laws (CLT) sets a maximum of one working day for an employee – 44 hours a week,” explains Employment Law Specialist Fabiana Truffaut of Morad Advocacia Empresarial.

The pro also confirms that “whatever that is, a lot employee For fewer hours, the hourly rate of labor should be equivalent to what they work during normal working hours, as long as they perform the same jobs.”

Limit hours per day

If the company chooses this business model, it is possible to reduce the weekly commute from 40 hours to 35 or 36 hours. You can also spread the total weekly hours between 4 days. However, as explained by a lawyer specializing in labor law, it is not permissible to exceed the ten hours per day allowed by law.

“Nothing prevents the company from setting a 40-hour week and wanting to conclude a compensation agreement with its employees, for example, dividing it into four days of 10 hours of work, for example,” Fabiana Truffaut notes.

Brazilian legislation provides for maximum work limits, but not minimums. “Thus, the reduction of working days, taking into account rest periods during working days (meals and rest), between working days (11 hours rest between one working day and another), weekly rest days and within 44 hours, is entirely possible,” the lawyer explains. In addition, the employer must also ensure the annual rest, which is a vacation.

Salary reduction

For the employer, also from a legal point of view, there is no problem to reduce the working day and maintain The full amount of the employee’s salary. However, even with the reduction of working days, according to the Brazilian Federal Constitution, the salary cannot be reduced. “If an employee wants to reduce working hours and agrees to a salary reduction, an agreement must be concluded, union participation is required,” explains Fabiana Truffaut.

rights guaranteed by law

Even with the reduction of the working day to 4 days a week, the contracting company cannot withdraw the worker’s basic rights, as they are guaranteed by law.

“The main rights of a worker are essentially the following: a signed labor card; medical examinations for admission and dismissal; an 8-hour working day; a weekly paid rest; salary payment by the fifth working day of the month; the 13th salary; as a rule, 30 days’ leave With an increase of 1/3 of the salary; maternity and paternity leave; an FGTS deposit; payment for overtime; an extra night and advance notice,” Fabiana Trovó lists.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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