2024 income tax refund: Find out who has priority

2024 income tax refund: Find out who has priority

Every year, millions of Brazilians prepare their income tax returns, hoping to receive a refund. But you know how Consult and who is entitled to a 2024 income tax priority refund? The IRS has established specific standards to ensure certain groups get their returns more quickly.

An IRPF refund is an adjustment, where the taxpayer has the excess amount paid back by the government. This process generates a lot of expectations, especially among those who have priority in receiving. Next, we will explain in detail how to verify your refund and who will benefit from priority.

Which taxpayers have priority for refunds?

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Certain specific groups are guaranteed priority in income tax refunds. Being:

  • Elderly people over 80 years of age
  • Taxpayers between the ages of 60 and 79
  • Taxpayers who suffer from any physical or mental disability or serious illness
  • Taxpayers whose primary source of income comes from teaching
  • Taxpayers who chose to receive their refund via Pix or used a pre-filled return

How to consult IRPF recovery?

To find out if you are entitled to a refund and check the amount you will receive, it's simple: just access Federal Revenue website, and click “Start” to enter your CPF number and date of birth. This consultation can be done online quickly and safely.

Once the payment is processed, the amount will be deposited directly into the bank account indicated by the taxpayer in their return. If for any reason the credit is not executed, the funds will be available for redemption at Banco do Brasil for up to one year. If the matter continues without a refund, it will be necessary to request a refund through the e-CAC portal.

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2024 IRPF Recovery Calendar

Income tax refund payment dates are issued annually by the Federal Revenue Service. The dates for this year have already been announced, and it is very important that taxpayers pay attention to check whether their payments will be made on schedule.

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About the Author: Camelia Kirk

"Friendly zombie guru. Avid pop culture scholar. Freelance travel geek. Wannabe troublemaker. Coffee specialist."

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